For this assignment, you will be researching an Artist of your choosing. 
The goal of this project is 2-fold. First, we will use this as a way to identify an art movement or style that you find interesting and would like to explore during a future project. Second, we will organize the information that you collect and feature it as a "Spotlight" on our website so that others may learn about the artist. This will help spread new ideas, and connect others with the artist and their works.

This assignment is meant to expose you to a variety of artists.

Please use Google Slides to create your presentation. 
The information that you need to include in each post is:
Artist Name
Age or time of birth
Location of the artist (country)
Materials commonly used in their process
Subject matter or theme of their work
A link to an official website of their work (with proper citations)
A link to an official social media site of their work (with proper citations)
 *MLA Format for Social media citation: 
Author Last Name, First Name or Account Name. Description of Post. Facebook, Day Month Year of Post, Time of Post, URL. Accessed Day Month Year post was viewed.
A link to an article focused on them/their work (with proper citations)
3 paragraph (minimum) write-up of why this artists' work is interesting/important. Include reasons why you like/chose to feature them
Minimum of 5 images of the artist's work

Included with each image should be the standard information:
1. The artist’s name
This one is pretty straightforward!
2. The title of the work
Depending on your preference, the title of the artwork can be plain, in italics, or bolded. Italics are often used to differentiate the title from the rest of the information, as well as referencing English grammar rules for titles. The title could also be in bold as a different method of differentiating it from the remainder of the information.
3. The date of the artwork
Generally, the date of an artwork is the year that it was completed. Sometimes, if a work has been continued over a long span of time and the artist would like to acknowledge that, multiple years can be included (for example, 2012-2014). If the date of the artwork is unknown (usually for historical works), “circa” is included: for example, c. 1919.
4. The size of the artwork
The measurement of artwork usually refers to the outer 'size' of the canvas, paper, or other material that is the base of an artwork. Unless the frame is an integral part of the work itself, its measurements should not be considered the size of the artwork. The standard is to list the height, then the width. The depth, if applicable, would be listed third. For example, 57 x 46 x 3 inches. Sometimes, there are no specific dimensions for work (for example, video work, or work that changes size depending on different installation circumstances). In the case of no specific dimensions, it is appropriate to list the dimensions variable.
                                                             4.a The duration of the work                                                          (this is if the artist creates work that is measured in time- i.e. film, performance art, etc.)
For durational artworks such as video or audio, this format is often used to list their duration: 00:00:00 (hours, minutes, seconds). You can also simply list 1 hour, two minutes, or however long the work is. It is not absolutely necessary to list the duration of work, however, works of this nature are often cataloged in this manner.
5. The medium of the artwork
What the artwork is made of. For example, oil on linen, paint on metal, or digital artwork. You can include more detail if you feel it is integral to the work (for example, gel medium, tea, sand, dirt, grass on found canvas).
6. The price or (sale price) of the artwork
7. Additional information
Museums or larger establishments showing artists of historical significance often list further information on their labels. This could be the birth year and death year of the artist (if applicable), the museum’s own cataloging number for the work, and a credit to the donor of the work if applicable.
Need help finding an Artist?
 Check out these links:
Street Art and Graffiti on IG
Need Help with your research? 
Check out these awesome resources provided to us by the media center:
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